
Saturday, 23 July 2011

Heroes of Armageddon

The Heroes of Armageddon project has been going on over the past 3 and a half months and comes to a close tonight in time for Games Day Chicago next week, and it has really struck a chord with me.  I cannot begin to explain how impressive I find this project, the time scale, the awesome armies, the huge community effort, it really is a testament to the brilliant attitude of gamers.

In my opinion it is possibly the best choice of charity for such a worldwide group effort. Doctors Without Borders, otherwise known as Medecins San Frontieres(MSF), has been running for around 40 years and there are not many places that it has not worked. Due to the nature of my course, I have had the opportunity to speak to the inspirational doctors and nurses who are active members of MSF, and who spend up to 6 months every year abroad making a difference in umpteen countries with the charity. What sets MSF apart from similar charities is the fact that they do not have a political agenda, their primarily goal is to save lives and make a difference in countries without the health care us Westerners are used to, some that are undergoing acute crises, much like the droughts in Africa right now. This singular drive to help people regardless of the other factors involved often means MSF works alone in areas other organisations won't go near. This means that not only are the men and women that volunteer to work with the charity are working long hours possibly undertaking very complicated procedures, they are doing so in very unstable and dangerous areas. I cannot begin to imagine what this work would be like, I have heard many stories, both amazing and terrifying, and I realise that the money donated to this charity makes a difference, and will go where it is needed.

The armies speak for themselves, Doctors Without Borders requires some explanation however and I hope I have helped. Every couple of bucks will make a difference.

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