
Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Start

Welcome. I am a final year university student and a wargamer, and  the purpose of this blog is to share the wargaming projects that I am working on, and also for sharing thoughts on the hobby as a whole. The focus of my hobby is Citadels Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer lines. I aim to create armies themed around specific locations and fragments of background from these fictional universes. 

In 40k my main focus just now is my Space Marine army, the Honoured Sons, and in terms of Fantasy, The Lizardmen are the army I am trying to focus on. That being said, I am very likely to jump from project to project, which I hope this blog will help prevent!

This is my first foray into blogging, however there are very useful resources available online to help wargamers interested in blogging, in particular the blog-fu series from Miniature Tradecraft and there is a infrequent series on   From The Warp, both sources are extremely useful. 

I am thoroughly looking forward to sharing my hobby work and hope to help inspire other gamers.

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